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Try the PromptBug ChatBot

ChatBot based on GPT4. Latest version of Chrome Desktop required!

Some of Popular AI Tools


ChatGPT is an AI computer program that can talk to you like a person. The text that you input into ChatGPT is the prompt and it can answer your questions or chat about anything. It learned how to talk by reading a lot of things on the internet. ChatGPT is the technology that powers Bing Chat

Bing Chat

Bing Chat is an AI computer program that can talk to you like a person. It can help you find information on the internet, write things, or have fun. You can talk to Bing Chat using the Edge Browser. The topics you can discuss are endless and it can be as simple or complicated as you want! So be creative with those prompts!

MS Copilot

MS Copilot is a tool that can help you create, communicate, and collaborate more effectively. It can suggest words, sentences, or paragraphs based on your context and data in the Microsoft Graph. It can also help you with tasks such as summarizing documents, creating presentations, writing emails, and more. You can use it with the entire suite of Microsoft 365 apps


DALL-E specializes in generating images from text descriptions or prompts. When someone provides DALL-E with a prompt, like “a red apple wearing sunglasses on a beach,” it uses its creative abilities to draw a picture based on that text input. It functions like a magical artist who can turn words into colorful and imaginative images!